From 3 April 2015 on, NAUSICAA proposes a new exhibition entitled “Ocean & Climate: getting hot in here!”. This exhibition is carried out in partnership with Météo-France and the National Museum of Natural History.
In December 2015, France will be hosting the 21st climate conference, Paris Climat 2015. NAUSICAA and the partners of the Ocean and Climate Platform 2015 will be busy throughout the year to ensure that the Ocean is central to discussions at Cop 21. NAUSICAA is taking Ocean and Climate as its main theme to fulfil one of its essential roles, increasing awareness of the importance of the oceans in climate regulation.
To highlight this topic, NAUSICAA has put together an exciting tour that will explain the role of the Ocean and the impacts of global warming on our everyday life. The visit is also designed to encourage people to face up to the problem and help to limit its effects. Exhibition created in partnership with Météo France and the National Museum of Natural History.
You can already stay up to date with climate news and discussions and continue to do so until the Paris Climat 2015 conference. Just log onto:
The rio+20 Nausicaá blog: http://rioplus20nausicaa.wordpress.com/
Scoop it Nausicaá Sea News: http://www.scoop.it/u/nausicaa-sea-news
Ocean and Climate theme: http://www.scoop.it/t/ocean-et-climat-un-equilibre-necessaire