Live from COP22: Launch of the Ocean and Climate Initiatives Alliance
COP21 was a founding moment for international ”ocean and climate” mobilization. The scientific community, civil society, economic players and States have come together toward one goal: institute the ocean as a fundamental element in climate negotiations.
The UNESCO conference for the World Oceans Day on June 8, the petition in favour of an IPCC special report, or the launch of “Because the Ocean” are many examples of this community action, fully illustrated by the flawless commitment of Ocean and Climate Platform members in these various initiatives and many others. Since COP21, they have also committed to the action agenda, which has increasingly developed since the launch of operational initiatives regarding most ocean and climate issues (coastal erosion, marine ecosystem conservation against climate change, small sustainable islands, mobilization of ship-owners to reduce their GHG emissions, mobilization of maritime regions for climate…).
The issue now is to develop and consolidate this commitment dynamic. Consequently, the Ocean and Climate Platform is launching an international ocean and climate action alliance, with the support of COP21 President and Minister for the Environment, Energy and the Sea in charge of climate negotiations, Ségolène Royal.
Officially named « Ocean and climate initiatives alliance », its major role will be to identify, reinforce and promote, on the long term, « ocean-climate » themed structuring initiatives.
As it is fully integrated to the Global Climate Action Agenda (GCAA) logic and that of the calendar determined by the Paris Agreement, the ocean and climate initiative Alliance will be proactive in international and regional ocean related forums.
This new plan driven by the Ocean and Climate Platform, quintessence of the civil society, will base its action on an inclusive and pragmatic approach and strongly oriented toward research of operational collaborations, respectful of existing actions, initiatives and mobilizations.
This collaborative approach is the keystone to a reinforced dialogue with other forums. Consequently, the Ocean and climate initiatives alliance has already established a collaboration with the “Because the Ocean” platform of governments, with the following goals:
- Develop the Civil Society Ocean and Climate Action Agenda, in connection with States;
- Mobilize the international Ocean and Climate community toward initiatives, tangible deliverables and report on results;
- Share and develop international scientific and technical expertise regarding “ocean and climate” solutions in terms of mitigation and adaptation to support initiatives and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, States and local governments;
Because climate urgency requires the mobilization of everyone.
Because a healthy ocean is a protected climate.
Because the ocean is part of the solutions for climate.