Following a first acknowledgement at COP21, the ocean is pursuing its integration in COP22 negotiations, commensurate with its importance for climate.
“The COP has never been as blue” stated Seychelles Ambassador to the UN, Ronny Jumeau, in his speech, on November 17th at the COP22 Global Climate Action Agenda high level segment.
COP21 was already a key step: As it was listed in the Paris Agreement Preamble, the ocean was the subject of a request for an ocean special report, approved the IPCC only a few months later. COP22 kept its promise regarding States, Organizations and the General Public’s mobilization for the consideration of the key role of oceans against global warming. However there is still much to do to move from the Paris Agreement to action.
Signatory States to the second « Because the Ocean » declaration, rose the ambition of their commitment in favor of the Ocean for the revision of their national contributions. They expressed their desire to work with non-State Actors towards the implementation of tangible actions for oceans including regarding the Global Climate Action Agenda.
France has played a major role. For President of COP21, Ségolène ROYAL “The future of Planet Earth is the Ocean”. Ms ROYAL, already strongly mobilized in Paris for “Ocean & Climate” issues, announced in Marrakesh her support for the creation of an Alliance of ocean & climate initiatives in order to achieve “the ambition of a successful sustainable development at sea to avoid reproducing the same mistakes we made on land”.
To take up this huge challenge, States can count on non-State Actors. Coordinator of the Ocean & Climate Platform scientific committee, Françoise Gaill highlighted this statement “ we will support States in our common ambition for ocean & climate with the following priorities:
– Invest in oceanography and marine science to reinforce knowledge about the connections between ocean and climate
– Acknowledge the role of marine and coastal ecosystems as natural carbon sinks
– Accelerate the implementation of a coherent and resilient network of marine protected areas
– Develop renewable marine energy by protecting biodiversity
– Support transport and maritime activity’s energy transition
– Reinforce technology transfers towards the most vulnerable coastal territories
– Dedicate part of the Green Fund to marine and coastal projects”.
The Platform also gave the floor to the youth as it is provides, more than ever, solutions for ocean conservation. YO ! (Youth for Ocean), a group of young scientists, originating from the FACT-O project ( French American Climate Talks on Ocean), discussed with COP21 President and French Minister for Ecology, Ségolène Royal, and President of France, François Hollande. A student contest was also organized: OCP Challenge. The laureate, Simon Bernard, had the opportunity to present his GHG emissions reduction project for ships during COP22.
In 2017, the Ocean & Climate Platform will remain mobilized for this new alliance to produce tangible recommendations on ocean and climate!
Next upcoming major event : The United Nations Ocean Conference to support the implementation and means to achieve the « ocean » sustainable development goal (SDG 14) , which will be held in New York from June 5th to 9th 2017.
Read the #BecauseTheOcean second declaration