To give a voice to a rather creative youth, the “Shipping” working group of the Ocean and Climate Platform, coordinated by Armateurs de France and Surfrider Foundation Europe, launched in 2016 the “OCP Challenge”.
This contest will give students the opportunity to work on the issue of the energy transition in maritime transportation.
For its 2nd edition, the theme for the OCP CHALLENGE is “Maritime transport and services and Europe: regulatory issues and innovation prospects”. This topic is at the heart of maritime current events as 2017 is the European year of shipping.
Within this general topic, two main work areas were identified:
- What leadership of European institutions? (what structuring between law and European and national maritime policies?);
- Energy transition and innovation: European assessment (eco-design, harbor planning, modal shift, new energies, etc.)
With a triple goal :
- Give students from various backgrounds (“Grandes Ecoles”- French Ivy League schools, universities) the opportunity to work on the issue of Europe and maritime transportation and services.
- Promote their work within events or recognized maritime authorities;
- create links between students and maritime professionals
For the candidates: sponsorship to attend the maritime and coastal economy conference in November 2017, in Le Havre and for the contest laureate: presentation of his/her report at COP23 in Bonn, in December 2017.
Upcoming deadline:
- April 12 : information meeting and official launch during the Cese plenary session in the context of its full jurisdiction on European maritime transportation.
To participate, contact the organizers: click here.