The Our Ocean Conference, 5-6 October 2017 in Malta, is the occasion for the Ocean and Climate Initiatives Alliance (OCIA) to launch its new website. A unique digital platform highlighting the main Ocean projects to mitigate Climate Change.
The website targets both decision-makers and the broader public to communicate on existing initiatives involved in ocean and climate action, and their contribution to scientific awareness. During the year ahead, and beyond, you will discover new themes and new initiatives joining OCIA in this website in constant evolution.
Discover the website in video:
64 countries, 14 initiatives and 6 themes
The current themes of the Alliance are Ocean acidification, Marine protected areas, Marine ecosystem resilience, Coasts and coastal populations climatic resilience, Migrations and Sustainable small islands. Within each theme, you can discover a number of initiatives such as the Blue Carbon initiative, the Alliance to combat Ocean Acidification, the International Coral Reef Initiative and more. Soon you will be able to find live content from the initiatives.
Click here to visit the website.
What is the Ocean & Climate Initiatives Alliance?
Supported by UNESCO-IOC, France and other Because The Ocean signatories, the Ocean and Climate Initiatives Alliance federates multi-stakeholder and international initiatives. OCIA believes that uniting ocean actions is key to delivering a coherent and holistic ocean and climate agenda to turn the tide the ocean’s decline.
The core objectives of the Alliance include:
• Identifying synergies between international initiatives and acting as a catalyst for progress,
• Ensuring that civil society’s voice is heard in the international fora (UNFCCC, Global Climate Action Agenda, SDG14…),
• Reducing knowledge gaps on ocean and climate, while providing a platform to stimulate scientific awareness.
Marc Domingos