This year, the COP23 will take place in Bonn, Germany, (6-17 November 2017). World leaders will meet to decide on the next steps to be taken to combat climate change.
The Ocean and Climate Platform will attend to highlight the importance of the ocean in climate regulation.
Discover our program:
- Thursday 9 November, 9.30 am to 12.30 pm, at the AMERON Hotel. We invite all partners to join us to the OCIA Working Group, which will be the opportunity to welcome you to COP23, present the first OCIA report and discuss OCIA’s future strategy.
- Friday 10 November, 11.30 am to 1pm, at the French Pavilion: The “From science to action: The Ocean and Climate Initiatives Alliance” side-event will feature keynote speakers, including Peter Thomson (UN Special Envoy for the Ocean), Anote Tong (Former President of Kiribati), Lisa Svensson (Director of Marine and Coastal Ecosystems work program, UNEP) and representatives of initiatives launched in the framework of the Marrakech Partnership.
- Saturday 11 November, 10 am to 11.15 am, Meeting Room 6, Bonn Zone: Eric Banel, President of the Ocean and Climate Platform and Loreley Picourt, Head of Initiatives, will respectively be presenting the Ocean and Climate Initiatives Alliance and the report on “Measuring progress on ocean and climate initiatives: an action-oriented report” during the plenary session of the Oceans Action Day.
Want to join or more information? Contact us.
Don’t miss also our partners’s events:
5 November
- 9 am to 1.30 pm, at the Hilton Hotel, Bonn: The Because The Ocean Declaration event was organised in Bonn prior to the opening plenary session of COP23 to address the inclusion of the ocean into Nationally Determined Contributions.
10 November
- 10 am to 10.30 am, Bula Zone, Conference Room 2: Francoise Gaill, Coordinator of the Ocean and Climate Platform Scientific Committee, will participate to a press conference on the Deep Ocean with our OCIA partners, Lisa Levin and Torsten Thiele. The press conference is coordinated by the University of California with the Deep-Ocean Stewardship Initiative and the Deep Ocean Observing Strategy, both members of the Ocean and Climate Initiatives Alliance.
- 1.20 pm to 2.30 pm, Bonn Zone, Fiji Pavilion: The Ocean and Climate Platform is participating to Fiji’s discussion on “Navigating an Oceans Pathway”, an event that will introduce a COP23 Presidency-led initiative on the ocean and climate change.
- 2.15 pm to 3.45 pm, Bonn Zone, EU Pavilion, Room Tallinn: The EU Pavilion is hosting three side-events on Oceans and Climate and the role of science. Françoise Gaill will be participating to the event on “Science and science funding for understanding the ocean-climate nexus”.
- 5.30 pm to 7.30 pm, Bonn Zone, French Pavilion: Loreley Picourt, Head of Initiatives at the Ocean and Climate Platform will participate to the side event on coral reefs and climate change, with the International Coral Reef Initiative, French Biodiversity Agency and UN Environment to present the Ocean and Climate Initiatives Alliance and its role in supporting the resilience of marine ecosystems and the services they provide.
11 November
- 11 pm to 12.30 pm, Bonn Zone, French Pavilion: The French Ministry for Sustainable and Inclusive Transition, in partnership with UN Environment and Germany will be sharing best practices implemented in Regional Sea Conventions. The Small Islands Organisation (SMILO), member of OCIA will be presenting innovative and replicable processes implemented in small islands.
- 11:30 pm to 1 pm, Bonn Zone, Room 1: Françoise Gaill, representing the CNRS and the Ocean and Climate Platform, is co-organising a scientific event during the Oceans Action Day to discuss the IPCC Special Report on Oceans and the Cryosphere which will be published in 2019.
- 5 pm to 7 pm, Bonn Zone, French Pavilion: The Blue Economy Café will be a unique opportunity to bring partners together in an interactive and diverse panel to discuss the Blue Economy.
- 4.45 pm to 6.15 pm, Bonn Zone, Meeting Room 12: Philippe Vallette, Director General of Nausicaa and member of the Ocean and Climate Platform, will be participating to the closing plenary of the Oceans Day to address awareness raising of ocean and climate related issues.
- 6.30 pm to 8 pm, Bonn Zone, Meeting Room 12: Françoise Gaill will be representing Tara Expeditions during an interactive side-event addressing the inclusion of the Ocean in Nationally Determined Contributions.
12 November
- 10 am to 11.30 am, Bonn Zone, French Pavilion: Françoise Gaill will moderate the side event on “Networks of insular states facing climate change, from knowledge to political decision and concrete actions”. Patricia Ricard, Spokesperson and Vice-President of the Ocean and Climate Platform, will also intervene.
13 November
- 3.45 pm to 4.45 pm, Bonn Zone, Fijian Pavilion: The International Ocean Acidification Alliance (OAA) is organising an event on the Protection of Coastal Communities and Livelihoods, featuring commitments to address ocean acidification, highlight the role of businesses and non-governmental partners, present OA Action Plans and invite COP23 participants to take commitments addressing ocean acidification.
- 7 pm to 10 pm, President Hotel, Bonn: Because The Ocean is hosting a Working Dinner to gather insights on the first week of COP23 and the Oceans Action Day, for a strategic discussion on Ocean-related NDCs.
16 November
- 3.45 pm to 4.45 pm, Bonn Zone, Fijian Pavilion: Patricia Ricard and Françoise Gaill, representing the Ocean and Climate Platform, will be participating to Fiji’s High-Level event on the Oceans Pathway Partnership.
Want to join or more information? Contact us.
Update: discover the outcomes of the COP23, click here.