From December 2 to December 6, the Ocean & Climate Platform organized the #OceanForClimate Days , a vast mobilization at the Bourget and in Paris to raise awareness amongst negotiators, institutions, the scientific and economic communities as well as the general public about the major role of the ocean as a climate regulator and the climate change hazards for the ocean. Feedback on the highlights.
France, in collaboration with the Ocean & Climate Platform, organized- for the first time in a CLIMATE COP- a major « Ocean » session during the Action Week, organized by Peru. .
From a needed knowledge development for a better understanding of the interactions between Ocean and Climate, to a wide range of multi partner mobilizations to protect marine and coastal environments, including industrial stakeholders’ technological innovation and the necessary awareness of local populations and younger generations. Hosted by Gilles Boeuf, biologist and professor at the Pierre & Marie Curie University (Paris, France), this unprecedented session dedicated to action, demonstrated the energy and ingenuity of the “Ocean” community to face the impacts of climate change, with the participation of emblematic speakers ( IPCC, CNRS, Tara Expeditions, CMA , CGM, the Norwegian Ship-owners Association, UNESCO-IOC, French Polynesia, World Bank, Mauritania, Seychelles, Chili, IUCN-International, Research Institute for Development, CPMR).
In fact, Ségolène Royal, French Minister for Ecology, restated the importance of the Ocean as a major solution for climate. Minister Royal reiterated France’s support to the drafting of an IPCC special report on Oceans and France’s request for an international generalized, mandatory observation, declaration and verification system for maritime transport CO2 emissions.
The Generation Climate areas bore the colors of the Ocean, with the organization of the first ocean and climate forum and over 20 side events et film screenings dedicated to ocean and climate issues. Over 1000 participants and 1500 worldwide internet users followed the Ocean and Climate Forum discussions. This event was designed for scientists, non-profit, institutional and socio-economic stakeholders, decision-makers as well as the general public, and more specifically youth, to raise awareness of the major role of the ocean in climate issues. Discussions focused on issues linked to climate change (acidification, sea temperature rise, sea level rise…) as well as solutions to support the ocean as a carbon well, first oxygen generator and heat sensor.
Over 50 speakers from all over the over the world took the floor, including Ségolène Royal, French Minister for Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy, International scientific Ocean specialists as Lisa LEVIN from Scripps, Eric KARSENTI, CNRS 2015 Gold medal, or climate scientist Jean JOUZEL, former IPCC Vice President, as well as civil society representatives with Pierre-Yves COUSTEAU, international institutions representatives with Paula CABALLERO from the World Bank ou Brice LALONDE from the United Nations Global Compact. This forum concluded with an institutional session , reminder of committed “Ocean Champion” States, including the Principality of Monaco, Sweden, Fiji and Chile, who made ocean conservancy a priority in the struggle against global warming.
Click here to view the Forum, here
Oceans Day at COP21 in the Generation Climate Areas convened internationale organizations, high level state representatives, including H.S.H Prince Albert II and Ségolène ROYAL to highlight the importance of the ocean in the climate regime. .
Romain TROUBLE, General Secretary of Tara Expeditions and Catherine CHABAUD, President of Innovations Bleues, submitted-on behalf of the platform- the first 25 000 signature of the Ocean’s Call for Climate to General Director of UNESCO , Irirna BOKOVA, first supporter for the Platform launched at UNESCO on June 10, 2014.
December 5 : A cultural and festive weekend The “Ocean and climate ” Tara pavilion broadcasted for the general public a series of documentaries covering the intrinsic links between ocean and climate.
In particular, the arctic continent was presented with “at the heart of the climate machine”, a documentary covering the story of TARA ARCTIC. It was followed by “ Sea Blind”, covering the question of ecological disasters caused by maritime transport in the poles, in the presence of Film Director, Bernice NOTEBOOM as well as “Penguin Counters” by Peter GETZELS. The “Ocean and Climate” COP 21 French feature film “Climate, Humankind and the sea” by Christophe COUSIN, was sold out. The day ended with Franck GRANGETTE’s “ Polynesia: resilient corals” broadcasted in the presence of Ms Maina SAGE, Congress Representative for Polynesia, who shared her knowledge on the latter issues as a conclusion of this day. On the set of Place to B, a media hub for COP21, reporter Alex Taylor interviewed a wide range of celebrities (political, scientists, experts and academia…) about the link between Ocean and Climate.
Internationally renowned Scientists , including Françoise GAILL from CNRS-coordinator of the scientific committee for the Ocean & Climate Platform- revealed the importance of the ocean in the climate machine. The quasi-absence of oceans in international climate negotiations, thus appeared to be an actual contradiction and a symptom of a lack of knowledge as well as a political non appropriation of ocean issues despite the progression of orientations as noted European Congressman Ricardo Serao Santos. The discussions provided answers and examples of worldwide tangible “marine” solutions, including technological innovations and exemplariness ( maritime transport, marine renewable energies, restoration and marine biodiversity…).
The day began with over 500 Paddle Boarders from Nautic SUP Paris Crossing, paddling across the Seine River for the ocean and climate as part of the Armada for Climate. .Film Director, Luc Jacquet-« The March Of the Penguins »- and underwater photographer Laurent Ballesta, live video broadcast from Antartica, higlighted the impacts of climate change on marine biodiversity , including Antartica penguins. Finally, Nicolas Hulot, participated in the paddle race and demonstrated the importance of an ambitious agreement at COP21 and the need to include the ocean in climate negotiations.
This morning ended with an exceptional visit aboard Tara, from Ban Ki-moon, General-Secretary for the United Nations, to support its scientific research actions and to recognize the awareness actions conducted by Tara and the ocean community- highly mobilized for COP21. General Secretary Ban Ki-moon, shared his concern regarding acidification and the threat to populations vulnerable to sea-level rise, and highlighted the urgence to “conduct” strong actions for ocean conservancy. General Secretary told the children aboard “the ocean is sick, the United Nations wants you, our children, to inherit a sustainable and healthy planet”.
The #OceanforClimate Days (generated 13 million views on facebook) – via this ocean community mobilization- highlighted the major interactions between the ocean and climate issues. The Ocean and Climate Platform will pursue its actions –during COP21 negotiations- for an ambitious agreement enabling a limitation of global warming below 2 degrees Celsius, with a proper review mechanism, sole means to insure a limitation of climate change impacts on the Ocean and to enable the latter to pursue its major role as climate regulator.