High Level Scientific Conference on 10 and 11 September 2018, at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris
Since COP21, new elements of knowledge came to light, thus enhancing our understanding of the interactions between ocean, climate and biodiversity. The well-being of marine ecosystems is recognized as central to combat climate change, highlighting the need to support and develop ocean science.
In view of the launching of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021–2030), the Ocean and Climate Platform and IOC-UNESCO are organizing a High Level Scientific Conference on 10 and 11 September 2018, at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris.
The conference aims at synthesizing recent scientific progress on ocean and climate interplays; evaluating the latest ocean-climate trends within the context of increased ocean action; and reflecting on ways to move “from science to action”.
Organized around four sessions, the event will bring together scientists from multiple disciplines, civil society, businesses, decision-makers and UN entities, to share their expertise on ocean and climate related issues.
September 10:
Special Session (9 am – 12:30 am) – Sciences cooperation, policies, interfaces and SDGs in South Atlantic Ocean (UBO, IRD)
Session 1 (2pm30-4.30pm) – What does science tell us today about the ocean ?
Session 2 (5pm-6.30pm) – An intergovernmental organization perspective on ocean, climate and biodiversity knowledge
Cocktail (6pm30-8pm30)
September 11:
Session 3 (9am-10.30am) – From knowledge to action: how can the UN Decade of Ocean Science make a difference ?
Session 4 (11am-1pm) – From science to action: which policies?
Special session (2pm30 -5pm) – Academic research: which contributions to the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science ? (CNRS, AllEnvi)