The Oceans absorb much of the atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by human activities. They contribute a great deal of oxygen to the Earth’s atmosphere and they play a central role in maintaining balanced ecosystems. One could even say that the oceans are at the heart of the climate machine.
However, the increasing release of CO² into the atmosphere, the overuse of resources, and diverse types of pollution have a permanent impact on the Oceans. As a result, their role in regulating the climate as a whole is being altered. We need to take a closer look at the relevant elements and enable everybody to understand the intrinsic connection between oceans and climate. In order to mobilise and influence international strategies, it is essential to inform and sensitise everybody on this topic, from citizens to decision-makers. For the climate, the environment and society it is necessary to integrate the oceans into the negotiations on climate change, today as well as in Paris in 2015 (COP 21).
- Rejane Hervé-Smadja – UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
- Sophie Seeyave – POGO, Plymouth Marine Laboratory
- Philippe Maison – Surfrider Foundation Europe
- Julien Rochette – Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI)
Moderator: André Ruwet – Journalist and Publishing Director of “Imagine Demain le Monde”
3.12.2014 at 7pm @ La Tricoterie – Théodore Verhaegen street, 158 – Brussels Belgium