The ANEF promotes an eco-designed urban port and sustainable city development project and also promotes sailing freight and waterway transport, including small gauge. Its vocation is to federate all the driving forces enabling it to extend its skills and its strength of proposal both in the field of urban development, including so-called last mile logistics, and in the river, marine and harbor fields.

Aquarium Tropical du Palais de la Porte Dorée
The Aquarium Tropical du Palais de la Porte Dorée is a public aquarium located in the Palais de la Porte Dorée (Paris).

Armateurs de France is the professional organization of French shipping and maritime services companies.

Association Française d’Halieutique
The Association française d’halieutique federates French scientists from the field of fisheries and promotes the dissemination of scientific knowledge for a sustainable exploitation of living aquatic ressources, respectful of people and ecosystems.

Association Nationale des Élus du Littoral
L’Association Nationale des Élus du Littoral gathers almost two thirds of elected French representatives of coastal communities located in mainland France and overseas. Its goal is to allow these representatives to share experience and offer suggestions for the sustainable development of coastal cities.

Vertigo Lab, through its BlueSeeds project, seeks to support marine conservation projects in the Mediterranean sea in achieving sustainability and impact objectives.

Blue Society is a group of committed stakeholders from the worlds of science, maritime economy, associations, culture, sustainable development, education, recreational activities and medias.

Blue Marine’s mission is to see at least 30% of the world’s ocean under effective protection by 2030 and the other 70% managed in a responsible way, using partnerships and determination to enable marine conservation to happen fast and effectively.

In line with its commitment to contribute to reaching the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Group wants to participate in ocean conservation by contributing in particular to the achievement of SDG 14, “Life below water”, to conserve and sustainably use the ocean, seas and marine resources.

CNRS – French National Centre for Scientific Research
The CNRS – the French National Centre for Scientific Research – is among the world’s leading research institutions. Its scientists explore the living world, matter, the Universe, and the functioning of human societies in order to meet the major challenges of today and tomorrow. Internationally recognised for the excellence of its scientific research, the CNRS is a reference in the world of research and development, as well as for the general public.

The Scientific Center of Monaco is the agency of scientific research of the Principality of Monaco. For 30 years, the Scientific Center has been specialized in the study of coral biology. The SCM also has a Polar biology Department and Medical Biology.

The Cluster Maritime Français (CMF) is a French organization created in 2006 by and for professionals of all maritime sectors.

CWR (China Water Risk) is a non-profit think tank that aims to create a world where water and climate risks are embedded in business and finance.

The Conservatoire du littoral is a public administrative establishment of the State placed under the supervision of the Minister in charge of nature protection. It is composed of central services (the department of land action, the department of heritage management and the general secretariat), 10 shoreline delegations, a “Europe and International” delegation and a delegation for communication and sponsorship.

Building on a strong foundation of science, partnership and action on the ground, Conservation International empowers societies to care for nature – our global biodiversity – responsibly and sustainably for the well-being of humanity.

Coral Guardian’s mission is to protect and restore coral ecosystems by working with local communities and by mobilising the international community.

Consult’Ocean is a consulting company specialising in questions of governance and management of ocean activities and resources, as well as global changes management support.

Deep-Ocean Stewardship Initiative (DOSI)
DOSI seeks to integrate science, technology, policy, law and economics to advise on ecosystem-based management of resource use in the deep ocean and strategies to maintain the integrity of deep-ocean ecosystems within and beyond national jurisdiction.

Deutsche Meeresstiftung – German Ocean Foundation
The German Ocean Foundation creates synergies of knowledge and acting by involving science, economy, politics and society. It aims at creating a broad “sea-consciousness“: in political decision-makers, in opinion-makers, in the economy, in the general population and, above all, in the youth in order to overcome the present irresponsibility.

Deep Sea Conservation Coalition
The DSCC is a global coalition of over 130 non-governmental organisations collaborating to protect vulnerable marine ecosystems in the deep sea, with implications for Earth systems, biodiversity and human wellbeing.

Enviromer is a transdisciplinary advisory which collaborates on solutions at the interface between different sciences and policy in order to promote change towards sustainability.

Environmental Justice Foundation
Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) is a non-governmental organisation dedicated to protecting the natural world and defending our fundamental right to a safe environment. It works internationally to influence policy and drive systemic and sustainable reform to protect our environment and defend human rights.

Esprit de VELOX is an interdisciplinary program of Responsible Research and Innovation. Its approach demands the absence of operation environmental impact and calls for the development of a new deep-sea vessel, open to the development of Collective Intelligence and collaborative R&D, in full cooperation with the research and innovation communities.

Ethic Ocean is an environmental organization working for the preservation of the ocean and of halieutical resources.

Europe Jacques Delors is a Brussels think tank dedicated to the green dimensions of the European integration.
Inspired by Jacques Delors’ vision of sustainable development, linking its three dimensions – economic, social and environmental – Europe Jacques Delors was created in early 2020 after the Jacques Delors Institute in Paris (1996) and the Jacques Delors Centre Berlin (2014).

The 7th Continent Expeditions aims at spreading knowledge on the extent of plastic pollution.
Expéditions MED : Stop plastic in the Sea !
Since 2010, Expédition MED is an association developing a scientific research and mobilization program on plastic pollution in the marine environment of the Mediterranean Sea, with the support of its citizen laboratory and various academic laboratories.

Expertise France is a public agency and the interministerial actor in international technical cooperation, subsidiary of the Agence française de développement Group (AFD Group).

Fauna & Flora is an international organisation dedicated to protecting endangered species and ecosystems worldwide, focusing on sustainable solutions for biodiversity preservation.

FINANCE FOR IMPACT is a sustainable finance consultancy that helps organisations meet their sustainability commitments.

The Jacques Rougerie Foundation encourages young people around the world to take up current and future global challenges by joining Science, Technology and Nature to build new living environments.

Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco
The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation dedicates its work to the protection of the environment and sustainable development, with the priority objectives of climate change and the promotion of renewable energies, biodiversity and water resource management.

The Sulubaaï Foundation is a Filipino non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation, protection and restoration of the natural resources of Palawan through environmentally friendly practices and active ecosystem restoration.

Since 2004, the Veolia Foundation supports projects of general interests in the field of humanitarian emergencies and development aid, of social inclusion through work and social link and on environmental conservation and biodiversity.

Fonds Français pour l’Environnement Mondial
The French Facility for Global Environment (FFEM) was created by the French Government in 1994 following the first Earth Summit, to implement sustainable development projects that integrate the preservation of global public goods, international solidarity and innovation in developing and emerging countries.

Since 2003, the Tara Ocean Foundation acts in favor of the environment and research with its historical ship, Tara, build for extreme conditions and its crew who makes expeditions around the world.

France Nature Environnement is a French federation of associations working for the protection of Nature and the environment.

The French Committee of the IUCN
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) French Committee is the Members’ network of the IUCN organisations and experts in France. This unique partnership brings together 2 ministries, 8 public bodies, 42 non-governmental organisations, and over 250 experts. It aims to help conserve biodiversity and to promote the sustainable and equitable use of natural resources, in line with IUCN’s mission defined at a global level.

Fondation de la Mer is at the service of all those involved in the protection and sustainable management of the ocean. Today, it supports hundreds of local players and implements its own programs to protect marine biodiversity, take action against pollution at sea, support research, develop innovation, and inform and raise awareness among the general public.

The Géo Avocats law firm has been founded in order to relate legal assistance regarding environmental protection and scientific data published on such matter. Its legal practice is coupled with a strong technical backbone, with the aim of bringing into line the law and regulations with scientific publications.

The Global Ocean Forum is an international, independent and non-profit organization, promoting a good ocean governance, the sustainable development of coastal populations and small islands around the globe, and of healthy marine ecosystems.

The Global Ocean Trust advocates for a new approach of the high-seas oceanic habitat and of deep marine areas located beyond national jurisdictions.

The High Seas Alliance works with its 50+ NGO members and the IUCN to protect 50% of the planet that is the High Seas. This area includes some of the most biologically important, least protected, and most critically threatened ecosystems in the world.

The International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI) is a global partnership between Nations and organisations that strives to preserve coral reefs and related ecosystems around the world.

The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) is a global non-profit helping animals and people thrive together. We are experts and everyday people, working across seas, oceans, and in more than 40 countries around the world. We rescue, rehabilitate, and release animals, and we restore and protect their natural habitats.

Institut français de recherche pour l’exploitation de la mer (IFREMER)
IFREMER contributes, through its work and expertise, to the monitoring of the marine and coastal environments and to the sustainable development of maritime-related activities.

The Institut Français de la Mer is an association using its studies, conferences, publications and influencing actions, to raise awareness of the fundamental role of the sea and works towards the development of sustainable maritime activities.

Institut France-Quebec Maritime (IFQM)
IFQM brings together and animates in France and Québec, in the form of a network, the key actors in research, innovation and higher education in the maritime sector to facilitate the establishment of large scale projects in the maritime sector and increase the potential for scientific cooperation at the national and international levels.

Institut Océanographique – Fondation Albert 1er, Prince de Monaco
The Oceanographic Institute – Foundation Albert I, Prince of Monaco, is committed to raising awareness of the richness and fragility of the ocean, promoting sustainable management and effective, reasoned protection of the ocean.

Institut Océanographique Paul Ricard
The Paul Ricard Oceanographic Institute was created in 1966 to “understand, explain and protect the ocean”. Its vocation is to study biodiversity and the impact of anthropogenic activities on marine life.

The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO
The IOC-UNESCO provides UN Member States with an essential mechanism for cooperation in the study of the ocean.

Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)
French public research institution, the IRD defends an original model of equitable scientific partnership with the countries of the South and an interdisciplinary and citizen science committed to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

International Alliance to Combat Ocean Acidification
The International Alliance to Combat Ocean Acidification is an international network of governments and organizations working together to address ocean acidification and other threats related to changing ocean conditions.

International Organisation for Migration – Organisation internationale pour les migrations
The International Organization for Migration is the main intergovernmental organization in the migration field. The IOM works in close collaboration with governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental partners.

International Union for the Conservation of Nature
The International Union for Conservation of Nature is the world’s largest and oldest global environmental organisation with over 1200 member organisations in 160 countries.

Interdisciplinary graduate School for the blue planet (ISBlue)
The Interdisciplinary Graduate School for the blue planet (ISblue) was created to train the next generation of ocean science innovators and leaders and place them at the forefront of research to meet the needs of the growing blue economy through high quality, research-based education.

Island Conservation is an NGO working globally to restore islands for nature and people worldwide, thereby contributing to a world filled with vibrant biodiversity, resilient oceans, and thriving island communities.

KRESK 4 OCEANS is an endowment fund committed to the fight against marine pollution by acting on land to ensure that plastics never reach the ocean, but also at sea, to better understand the impact of this pollution and especially contaminants on marine biodiversity.

Kyma Sea Conservation & Research
KYMA sea conservation & research is committed to protecting life in the oceans. We identify ecological relationships and encourage action to embed ocean protection deep within us, the terrestrial beings.

La Rochelle is a city in southwestern France, the historic capital of the Aunis region and the prefecture of the Charente-Maritime department in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region.

LEMONSEA aims to raise awareness among young people of the issues raised by ocean acidification using innovative tools and to support initiatives that provide concrete solutions.

Faced with the risks of overfishing, the MSC is committed to preserving marine species and habitats through a demanding label that allows consumers to choose sustainable fishing.

Matosinhos is a Portuguese municipality in the district of Porto. With the second largest port in Portugal, Matosinhos has 12 km of exposure on the Atlantic Ocean coast.

The MedPAN network’s mission is to promote, through a partnership approach, the sustainability and operation of a network of Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean which are ecologically representative, connected and effectively managed to help reduce the current rate of marine biodiversity loss.

Mercator Ocean International is a producer and distributor of operational oceanography data in real and delayed time. It manages the Corpenicus Marine Service of the European Union.

Mirova is an asset management company that offers investment solutions combining financial performance and environmental and social impact

Mission Blue inspires action to explore and protect the ocean. Led by legendary oceanographer Dr. Sylvia Earle, Mission Blue is uniting a global coalition to inspire an upwelling of public awareness, access and support for a worldwide network of marine protected areas – Hope Spots.

Musée National d’Histoire Naturelle
Environmental awareness and safeguarding the planet are at the heart of contemporary debates. Fully committed to these issues, the Museum occupies a position of reference thanks to its varied missions: fundamental and applied research, conservation and enrichment of collections, teaching, expertise and dissemination of knowledge.

Founded in the United States in 1951, The Nature Conservancy is amongst the most active environmental organizations operating in 79 States and territories. Their activities focus on fighting climate change, protecting earth and water, ensuring food and water sustainability and the construction of sustainable cities.

Nausicaá – Centre National de la mer
Nausicaá – Centre national de la mer is the biggest aquarium in Europe, located in Boulogne-Sur-Mer in the North of France. It invites its visitors to discover the marine environment through its exhibits.

The North Atlantic Salmon Fund is an american non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation of North Atlantic salmon and marine biodiversity.

Nouvelle-Aquitaine is a French coastal region, which includes the Aquitaine, the Limousin and the Poitou-Charentes.

Ocean Acidification International Coordination Centre
The Ocean Acidification International Coordination Center (OA-ICC) is a project financed as part of the Peaceful Uses Initiative of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The OA-ICC’s objective is to promote and facilitate various international activities on ocean acidification.

Ocean Acidification and other ocean Changes – Impacts and Solutions
Ocean Acidification and other ocean Changes – Impacts and Solutions (formerly Association monégasque sur l’Acidification des Océans – AMAO) was created by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation. Its purpose is to disseminate, promote and facilitate international actions on oceans acidification and other global stress factors on marine environment.

Ocean Common Good is a programme supported by Innovations Bleues, whose mission is to mobilise decision-makers and citizens in the preservation of the ocean, and to implement mechanisms to support and raise funds to finance concrete actions carried out by actors who act daily on the ground.

Ocean Conservancy works for the protection of the ocean in the face of today’s major challenges, by creating science-based solutions to preserve the ocean’s health, along with biodiversity and human communities who rely on it.

As the only community foundation for the ocean, the Ocean Foundation’s mission is to support, reinforce and promote organisms dedicated to reverse the trend of the destruction of oceanic environment the world.

OceanHub Africa is a non-profit acting as a startup incubator, aiming to speed-up the development and adoption of new solutions for a sustainable management of marine resources.

The Ocean Knowledge Action Network is a unique and innovative global network of networks, bringing together scientists from natural and social science disciplines, lawyers and policy makers, stakeholders, and funders to stimulate the collaboration and knowledge exchange that is needed to find new ways of creating ocean science for a sustainable future.

Océanopolis is a scientific culture centre dedicated to the oceans, located in Brest, near the Moulin Blanc marina.

Oceans Connected is a new platform entirely dedicated to marine science, which aims to widely disseminate scientific knowledge to inform about the health of the ocean and encourage action for its sustainable protection.

Office Français de la Biodiversité (OFB)
The French Office for Biodiversity supports the implementation of public policies in the fields of knowledge, preservation, management and restoration of terrestrial, aquatic and marine biodiversity.

Located in Paris, the Université PSL includes all areas of knowledge and creation: Sciences, Humanities and Social Science, Engineering, the Arts. Its 181 laboratories and 4,500 researchers carry out high-level disciplinary research, both fundamental and applied, fostering a strong interdisciplinary approach.

The Pew Charitable Trusts works to protect undamaged marine ecosystems amongst the most important of the planet. Its Global Ocean Legacy programme helps governments to create vast and highly protected marine reserves.

Planète Mer is an environmental organization which works for sustainable balance between marine life and human activities : protecting biodiversity with citizens, managing fishing ressources with fishermen, restoring ecosystems with local populations.

Plymouth Marine Laboratory is a charity, undertaking pioneering marine research for the benefit of us all. They describe their research as a unique combination of observation, experimentation and modelling activities, working together to provide a greater understanding of the dynamic and complex marine environment to inform knowledge-based solutions to the challenges our ocean and seas face.

Polar Pod is an inhabited oceanographic platform, especially conceived to drift around the Antarctic.

Pure Ocean’s main mission is to support innovative oceanic research projects on biodiversity, climate and health themes & to raise awareness of the critical situation of our Ocean.

RespectOcean is a network of businesses and professional organizations of the maritime and coastal economical sectors, gathered in a sustainable development approach.

The Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (PACA) region is a territory in the southeast of France, combining a Mediterranean coastline, Alpine mountains, and vast natural areas; known for its biodiversity and economic dynamism.

SCRIPPS Institution of Oceanography UC San Diego
The Scripps Institution of Oceanography is a center of maritime scientific research. It is one of the oldest, biggest and most important research center of its kind in the world.

The Sea People is a non-profit non-governmental organization who helps the environmental management in Indonesia, more precisely in Raja Ampat.

The Seaquarium du Grau du Roi, located in Occitanie (France), is one of the most ancient aquarium. Initially specialized on Mediterranean species and sharks, the Seaquarium developed other competences and now aims at making the ocean known by all and to raise awareness of its fragility. With the Institut Marin du Seaquarium, it develops research and innovation projects and contributes to the scientific mediation on the questions of the future of the ocean and the seas.

Seas At Risk is a network of European environmental NGO and promotes ambitious policies for the protection of the marine environment at the European and international scales.

International oceanic station and drifting multidisciplinary in situ research platform equipped with the first mobile pressurized subsea base open to the undersea realm

As a pioneer and major player in offshore wind, developer and operator, Skyborn Renewables has over 20 years of experience and 7 GW of offshore wind farms developed worldwide. The portfolio of projects under development exceeds 30 GW.

Peruvian Society for Environmental Law
The Peruvian Society for Environmental Law is a nonprofit organisation that works to integrate environmental considerations into national development policies, with the goal of creating a sustainable and just society that respects the environment.

SHOM has for mission to know and describe the marine physical environment in its relations with the atmosphere, with the depths of the ocean and coastal zones, to predict its evolution and to ensure the dissemination of informations.

Surfrider Foundation Europe is a non-profit association (1901 French Law), whose goal is the defense, the conservation, the valorisation and the sustainable management of the ocean, coastal zones, waves and the population who benefit from it.

Founded in 2014, Sustainable Ocean Alliance (SOA) today brings together the largest global network of “Young Ocean Leaders” with a presence in more than 165 countries.
In 2018, SOA inaugurated the “Ocean Solutions Accelerator” to support the development of impactful startups in the Blue Economy sector, to foster the development of technological and sustainable solutions to respond to the threats facing our Ocean.

Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises (TAAF)
The French Southern and Antarctic Lands, composed by the Crozet and Kerguelen Archipelagoes, the islands of Saint-Paul and Amsterdam, the Terre Adélie et the Glorieuses Islands, are French over-seas collectivities administrated by a Prefect with administrative and financial autonomy.

T2A is a French expedition which will conduct scientific researches around North and South America, travelling through Antarctica and then the Arctic, along with Conferences.

UNDER THE POLE is an underwater scientific program aiming to study the mesophotic zone (20-300 m depth). Divers and scientists are focusing their work on marine ecosystems formed by corals, sponges, bryozoans, etc. A better understanding would help to preserve it better.

Union des Conservateurs d’Aquarium
The Union des Conservateurs d’Aquariums gathers the majority of French aquariums, motivated by sharing knowledge on aquatic life.

Université Internationale de la Mer
The Université Internationale de la Mer is continuing education organisation for efficient management of marine and coastal spaces. Governance and the sustainable blue economy, climate change, are currently the main themes of their customised training and MOOC.

Sorbonne UPMC is the result of the fusion operated between the Sorbonne University and the Pierre and Marie Curie University.

Université Côte d’Azur is a french research-intensive university that drives regional growth towards international impact.

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution is the world’s leading, independent non-profit organization dedicated to ocean research, exploration, and education. Our scientists and engineers push the boundaries of knowledge about the ocean to reveal its impacts on our planet and our lives.

A coalition for blue growth and green tech solutions.

The World Ocean Network is an international association whom raises awareness of general public on the importance of the ocean.

The World Wild Fund France is one of the first independent organization for the protection of the environment in the world. With an active network operating in more than a hundred States and thanks to the strong support of more than 5 millions members, the WWF aims at slowing down the degradation of the natural environmental of the Earth and at building a future in which humans and nature live in harmony.