COP27 is just around the corner and will take place from 6 to 18 November in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. The Ocean & Climate Platform will be mobilised to carry our common message: “A healthy ocean, a protected climate”.
You would like to meet us there ? Find below the agenda of our events!

Ocean Futures Lab : “Thinking outside the shell: Towards the sustainable blue future we need”
8:30 – 10:00 am (EET)
Nature Pavilion, Blue Zone
On Tuesday, 8 November from 8:30 to 10:00 am, the High-Level Climate Champions, the Marrakech Partnership Global Climate Action Agenda for Ocean and coastal zones, the Ocean & Climate Platform and Bloomberg Philanthropies will host the Ocean Futures Lab “Thinking outside the shell: Towards the sustainable blue future we need” in the Nature Pavilion. Building on the Ocean for Climate Declaration launched at COP26, the Ocean Futures Lab will showcase bold and innovative ocean-based climate actions for systems change to accelerate the transition to a regenerative, just, and resilient world in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Bringing together experts across sectors, the event will mainly focus on ocean renewable energy and sustainable aquatic food production.
Programme here.
Livestream here.

Accelerating investments in SDG14 and the Sustainable Blue Economy10:00 – 11:30 am (EET)
Ocean Pavilion, Blue Zone
UNDESA, UNSG’s Special Envoy for the Ocean, the Government of France and the Government of Costa Rica will be hosting on Wednesday, 9 November, from 10:00 to 11:30 am, a high-level side-event on “Accelerating investments in SDG14 and the Sustainable Blue Economy” at the Ocean Pavilion. Facilitated by the Ocean & Climate Platform, this side-event follows the second United Nations Ocean Conference held in Lisbon and addresses calls for greater financial support for SDG14 implementation. Governments, financial institutions, regional development banks, private sector entities and scientists will discuss ways to increase investment flows in support of the sustainable blue economy to achieve SDG14.
Programme here.
Info here.

Accelerating Ocean-based climate action for a sustainable future10:00 – 11:30 am (EET)
French Pavilion, Blue Zone
On Thursday, 10 November from 10:00 to 11:30 am, the Ocean & Climate Platform together with the French Agency for Development (AFD) and the French Ministry of European and Foreign Affairs will host a high-level side-event at the French Pavilion on “Accelerating Ocean-based climate action for a sustainable future”. This event will take a deep dive into the development and implementation of science-based, climate-smart and nature-positive solutions for the ocean and coasts.
Programme here. Livestream here.

Launch of the IPOS Coalition: Scientific institutions coming together for ocean sustainability3:00 – 4:15 pm (EET)
Ocean Pavilion, Blue Zone
On Thursday, 10 November, from 3:00 – 4:15 pm, the CNRS, in partnership with WHOI, SCRIPPS and the OCP will host at the Ocean Pavilion the session: “Launch of the IPOS Coalition: Scientific institutions coming together for ocean sustainability”. This event aims at presenting the concept and importance of an international panel for ocean sustainability and opening discussions to consolidate the main goals of the IPOS coalition.
Programme here.
Swimming the talk: Scaling-up action to tackle climate change in the Mediterranean region – Monaco’s engagement4:00 – 5:30 pm (EET)
Mediterranean Pavilion
On Thursday, 10 November, from 4:00 to 5:30 pm, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation will host an event at the Mediterranean Pavilion on “Swimming the talk: Scaling-up action to tackle climate change in the Mediterranean region – Monaco’s engagement”. Théophile Bongarts, project manager of the Sea’ties initiative, will discuss challenges and present concrete initiatives and networks developed across the Basin to adapt coastal cities to rising sea levels.
Event by invitation only. Programme and info here.

Blue Ambition: Creating an Ambition Loop for Ocean-based Climate Solutions 12:15 – 1:15 pm (EET)
Ocean Pavilion, Blue Zone
On Friday, 11 November, from 12:15 to 1:15 pm, the Ocean & Climate Platform together with the World Resources Institute, Rare, the High-Level Climate Champions and the United Nations Global Compact are organising a side-event on “Blue Ambition: Creating an Ambition Loop for Ocean-based Climate Solutions” at the Ocean Pavilion. In the context of this “Implementation COP”, and in the preparation of the global stocktake, this event will identify a “blue ambition loop” for governments and non-state actors to further include the ocean in their NDCs, and to scale-up ocean action to support the delivery of the Race to Zero and Race to Resilience.
Programme here.

Coastal Adaptation Across the Mediterranean: Solutions Driven by Cities Networks11:15 am – 12:15 pm (EET)
Mediterranean Pavilion
The Sea’ties initiative of the Ocean & Climate Platform and Plan Bleu will be hosting a round table on “Coastal Adaptation Across the Mediterranean: Solutions Driven by Cities Networks” on 12 November, from 11:15 am to 12:15 pm, at the Mediterranean Pavilion. This event will be the occasion to take stock of the impacts of climate change and anthropogenic pressures on the Mediterranean coastlines and to propose solutions towards greater resilience of coastal cities and territories. Cities networks and experts of coastal adaptation from MedECC, AViTeM, MedCities, Plan Bleu and the OCP will share their experiences, present a diverse range of local initiatives, and identify priorities for action to accelerate climate change adaptation.
Download the programme here.
Live stream here.
Taking charge of Africa’s oceans and blue resources to mitigate the effects of climate change12:00 – 1:30 pm (EET)
Multilevel Action Pavilion, Blue Zone
On Tuesday, 15 November, from 12:00 to 1:30 pm, ICLEI with the support of the Ocean & Climate Platform and Resilient Cities Network are organising a session on “Taking charge of Africa’s oceans and blue resources to mitigate the effects of climate change”. This session will focus on creating enabling conditions at the local level in African countries, to address climate change impacts while taking ocean action that secures sustainable and reliable access to climate-resilient low-carbon food, energy and transportation.
Info and live stream (here)

Ocean Action Day: “Ocean for Climate – implementing ocean-based climate action to build coastal adaptation and resilience” 10:00 am – 12:00 pm (EET)
Action Room 1, Climate Action Zone, Blue Zone
On Wednesday 16 November 2022, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm, the High-level Climate Champions, the Global Climate Action Agenda for Ocean and Coastal Zones and the Ocean & Climate Platform, together with partners, will host the Ocean Action Day: “Ocean for Climate – implementing ocean-based climate action to build coastal adaptation and resilience”. In line with COP27 priorities, the event will take a deep dive on effective implementation, sustainable financing, mitigation, as well as adaptation and resilience solutions. It will specifically focus on the African continent, where people and ecosystems are at the forefront of climate impacts. The session will be divided in two panels: (1) Scaling-up coastal adaptation and resilience responses and (2) Financing ocean and coastal action.
Programme here.

Implementation Lab: “Building Resilient Infrastructure along the Coast”1:00 – 2:30 pm (EET)
Action Room 2, Climate Action Zone, Blue Zone
This event held by the High-Level Climate Champions on “Building Resilient Infrastructure along the Coast” will provide discussions on the implementation of the Race to Resilience and the achievement of the 2030 goal to protect 5000 km of urban coastline with green and hybrid infrastructure. Panellists will bring insight on experience of effective NbS in building grey or hybrid infrastructure for more resilient coastal zones, and present innovative solutions to attract investment for coastal cities adaptation.
Programme here.

Blue Carbon Implementation Lab3:00 – 4:30 pm (EET)
Action Room 2, Climate Action Zone, Blue Zone
Conservation International together with partners will hold on Wednesday 16 November from 3:00 to 4:30 pm a Blue Carbon Implementation Lab. During round table discussions, panelists will present innovative projects, policies and partnerships that successfully achieve high-quality outcomes for climate, communities and biodiversity in and around blue carbon ecosystems globally as well as the remaining challenges to their implementation.
Programme here.

SEORS Event: Building African Resilience During a Climate Emergency: Finance, Food, Nature6:30 – 8:00 pm (EET)
UNFCCC Room 3 – Hatshepsut, Blue Zone
ICLEI, the Ocean & Climate Platform, Energies 2050 and UCLG Africa are hosting a side event on “Building African Resilience During a Climate Emergency: Finance, Food, Nature” on 16 November from 6:30 to 8:00 pm in Room 3, Hatshepsut, Blue Zone. This session will bring together mayors, scientists, financial institutions and experts from the continent to discuss the challenges and opportunities for African local governments to tackle climate change impacts, highlighting the opportunities and obstacles to scaling up initiatives. This session will particularly focus on ecosystem-based strategies, food systems, adaptation finance and local governance.
Live stream here.